“I realized that my job is to awaken possibility in others.”


Mozart: Violin Concerto no. 4 - 1st and 2nd movements

Interpretation Class
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Greta Myiateva (violin) with Dina Vainshtein (piano)

'I don't know anything about music, I can consider myself a real caveman in that sense. But Mr. Zander is able to drag you in his world and spend hours listening to his passion. I wish I was able to meet him and let the energy flow through my body. He's inspiring, he truly is.'
Anthony Jackalone
'This is definitely the most joyful interpretation class I’ve seen! This just further proves that playing Mozart brings out the best in musicians.'
'This guy is such a character! Wish I could have a master class with him! Also, I know this piece very well having played it since I was 15. This piece may seem easy note per note, but believe me, it's the playing the notes clean and with good articulation and lots of lush vibrato that makes it so difficult! All while going 140 bpm! And under pressure! I for sure noticed a huge difference in the violinist's performance when the master class teacher was goofing around a bit as she played. I will for sure remember this guy the next time I perform live! Thanks.'
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