“I realized that my job is to awaken possibility in others.”


Chaminade: Concertino for Flute

Live Performance
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Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra – Hayley Miller (flute)

Greg Jay
'A wonderful performance. Her notes flowed like liquid gold. One can forget how much hard work and dedication, lie behind this level of skill. The long hours of practice '
David Ross
'This is an example of excellent ensemble playing. Ms Miller's ability to shape phrases and blend with the orchestra when the music requires it) is refreshing, something that many soloists cannot bring themselves to do. Her intonation is impeccable, and she has more than enough presence to project her sound all the way to the back of the hall without being bombastic. Brava!'
Brian Anderson
'Such a joy to see this kind of jubilation among those who love the flute and orchestra. Watching this makes me hopeful about the future. This kind of piece is highly nuanced, concentrated, and exhausting to play. (There's almost nowhere for the flute to hide!) Major Kudos to the soloist.'
Brendalee Kurr
'I love this piece by Hayley Miller. I especially love the letter that Ben Zander reads from her before she performs. I listen to her almost every night to fall asleep. ❤❤❤'
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