“I realized that my job is to awaken possibility in others.”


Bruckner: Symphony no. 8 (BPO)

Live Performance
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Boston Philharmonic Orchestra

Recorded live in Symphony Hall October 15, 2021


Click here to read an article describing the Julio Kilenyi Medal of Honor, which was awarded to Zander by the Bruckner Society of America.

Click here to read an article discussing the tempos in Bruckner’s Symphony no. 8.

Click here to read the Boston Musical Intelligencer review.

Click here to read the Art’s Fuse review.

Massimiliano Wax
'A finale that makes sense, at long last: tempos are perfectly judged. Excellent playing by all sections of the orchestra.'
Jonathan Conway
'The intro talk was phenomenal already, let alone the performance.'
Daniel Mason Music
'The symphonies of Bruckner are simply my favourite music of all time. I feel he is perhaps the most under-appreciated composer of all time. thank you Benjamin and the BPO for a wonderful performance of this supreme, life-changing masterpiece!'
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