“I realized that my job is to awaken possibility in others.”


Brahms: Piano Trio No.1, mvt 1

Interpretation Class
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Jaehyun Park (violin), Tristan Price (cello), Lucy Will (piano)

Raymond Hummel
'A passionate love song that may not end well. Such beautiful inner play between the piano, violin and cello. I must admit that Benjamin's singing is very passionate! It is a unique way to get across the feeling he wants the student to convey. Love the concept of going deep into the heart to attain the meaning the composer wants to transmit to the listeners. Yes conveying the emotions, like hope, joy etc. Sounds like the F sharp is very important in this composition. This is such an amazing piece with such lush harmonies weaving through it. Interesting that if you use your imagination the piece is conveying different story lines.'
boss2528 #1
'Beautiful! What a wonderful and delightful day to practice my cello and play along with this music! Love from Indiana!'
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