“I realized that my job is to awaken possibility in others.”



Date & Time Thu, May 1, 2025
8 - 10pm

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Location Symphony Hall

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Benjamin Zander, conductor
Leland Ko, cello
Debussy Prélude À L’après-midi d’un faune (Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun)
Walton Cello Concerto
Rachmaninoff Symphony No. 2

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Debussy’s Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, is—to only a slightly lesser degree than The Rite of Spring—a work that revolutionized music around the beginning of the 20th century, with its gossamer textures, subtle voluptuousness and elusive harmonies. Sixty-seven years ago Walton’s Cello Concerto premiered in Symphony Hall with the legendary cellist Gregor Piatigorsky. BPYO alum Leland Ko, recent first prize winner of the Orchestre symphonique de Montréal (OSM) Competition, will bring it home again, with his richly lyrical tone and virtuosic flair. Maestro Zander says of Rachmaninoff’s Symphony No. 2, “It overflows with love. From its first notes, emotion-drenched themes well up in an unstoppable flood, all clothed in Rachmaninoff’s most gorgeous orchestration.”

-Benjamin Zander